Chapter 6: How to pray

This week's chapter was a particular encouragement to me in my prayer time. I guess it should be obvious that God's Word would instruct us on how to pray, but not only that, it gives us examples of how others have prayed.

We may have the thought in our minds, maybe from when we were younger, that prayer is a grave, ritualistic thing, a duty, a measured thing. Maybe later, we came to the Lord and realized it was far more than that, but still, what is it and how does one go about it?

In Chapter 6, Terri is sharing things she learned and showing us scriptures that give us more how-to tips. There are many more scriptures that could be shared, and we will likely be getting to those in the next chapter. But her description of being taught the simple acronym "ACTS" is a very good starting point for those of us who are new at feeling they have accomplished much in their prayers.

What stood out to me as I read the chapter was the A in ACTS - the adoration part. This is probably one area I would tend to skip in my praying, but it occurred to me that this is really missing out on a big part of effective praying.

Adoration is almost a word reserved for exaggeration for most of us. We adore chocolate, or memory foam slippers, or our dog. An more accurate example of adoration which Dave and I remember was the illustration a pastor gave one time of the adoration of football fans for their favorite team or player during a game. Probably something similar for rock concerts. Even though it was not really worthy of adoration, that would probably be a more concrete example of it for us. And for what?

When I come to the Lord in prayer, and because I come to the Lord in prayer (due to his greatness and love), and because of who the Lord is and what he has done for me (here I am thinking of his great sacrifice for my sins, resurrection power, and sending his Spirit to live in my heart), shall I have less adoration for him than a Packer's fan? Shall I drag myself to prayer, out of duty?

I can't think of any examples of that type of prayer in the Bible, but if there is, I would guess that the person praying in this way was NOT mindful of who they were coming to, and all that he is worthy of. I know that is what I am like in times of dutiful, distracted prayer. Praise the Lord that He desires me to change! Praise the Lord that he has a plan and his will for me and his purpose for prayer is a good thing, a privilege.

Now, that doesn't require that I get a mohawk and dye my hair green (like a Packer fan). What would that accomplish? No, God is so efficient and practical. My praise and adoration of God actually helps prayer, in serving, in obedience. It affects my heart attitude as I do the things He has called me to do. It really clicks that this is a vital thing, and besides all the benefits I may reap in my personal life because of it, I can imagine that it would greatly affect my TESTIMONY to others, my own family, and those who I encounter at Aldi's or Walmart. After all, those Packer fans are pretty conspicuous. God's worshippers should be, too!

Now, I don't write this because I am there, but that was the reminder I received this morning in going through the verses in Chapter 6!

There were a couple of other things that came to mind, and I'm sure some will come to yours too! So if you haven't already, get to work on Chapter 6 in anticipation for Friday -- you will be so glad you did!


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