Train up a little girl...?

Today is my granddaughter’s third birthday. 

I was thinking of this:  in training up a child in the way they should go, what would that look like for a little girl?  

Would it be exactly the same as a little boy?  

Or different in some ways?  

We seem to mostly agree on externals for boys and girls (with some overlap of course). Clothing, hair, pink and blue, certain toys (dollies).  

Besides the concerns and discernment that should accompany any of those things (for example, worldly vanity, loving things), are there more important principles which we should impress specifically on girls, like Bible teaching regarding gender roles? 

Would we expect that to look different from the teaching in the world (TV and schools)?  

How would we know what those differences would be?  

Is it anything more than which public restroom they should use?

Two thoughts:

1. Timothy is told to address brothers and sisters in Christ according to gender.  

1 Timothy 5:1-2

Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity.

2.  Solomon’s mom in Proverbs 31 is teaching her son about qualities of a virtuous woman. She is teaching her son about how a virtuous woman should live.


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