Where has the year gone?

Here it is the end of October.  What a year so far, and it's not done yet.

For God to be God, he has to know all of the details of my family, your family, and everyone's family.  That is hard to believe, isn't it?  Well, it's not if you think of the evidence he left us.

If you are considering a contractor to do work on your house, you look at his past work.  You want someone you can trust.

Well, we can look at God's past works:  for example,  DNA.  Pretty impressive.  Uncountable varieties for all of life!  Perfectly designed.  That is detail.

So, that is one way for God to tell us he won't miss a thing.

I have noticed my tendency to squander time spent in prayer with ruminating and problem solving and trying to figure things out instead.  What a waste!  No peace in that.  Yet time in prayer is such a release of burdens.  Much better use of our time.

May the Lord help us to be instant in prayer, because we have a Heavenly Father who is in control.  Our job is to trust.


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