The simple things - Titus 2:4-5 again

I once heard a sister speak at a ladies' gathering.   She started by saying she was going to share with the sisters on following the Lord, and she would NOT be going to Titus 2.  Everyone did that, she halfway lamented.    I don't remember how far she got before she realized she really did need to go to Titus 2!

It's not that we women need to rip out all the other pages of our Bibles.  All scripture is indeed profitable.  But we see in Titus 2 an outline of what sisters need to encourage one another.  And the fact is, we haven't gotten this right!  The instructions to women in Titus 2 are still a challenge, and the practice of its instructions  is still painfully lacking in the church today.  Why?  What is the big deal?

It is just this big, round thing called the world.

The world is always opposing God's Word, and we are in the world, and it affects us.  How many ways does the world affect our thinking?  There are two main ways:

1.  The world affects us in ways which we actively allow:  popular media, internet, TV, radio.  Anything with an on switch or button.  We make the choice to be influenced by these avenues.

2.  The world affects us in passive ways:  assumptions, whatever is on the menu, offerings on clothing racks, catalogs, billboards.  We live in a world saturated with ideas and priorities contrary to God's Word.  If we fail to recognize that and be skeptical and ALWAYS be testing all things against God's Word, we are just like the frog in the kettle, not noticing that the burner is turned on high.

Yes, the world affects us and it is like the stickiest gum you could imagine on your shoe.  But the world's biggest advantage over us is our own foolish failure to test all things against God's Word.  That is, question why do we think what we think.  We don't imagine we could be under the world's influence.  We think what we see all around is neutral.  Instead of rightly fearing being deceived by the world, we fear "the other extreme," of being legalistic.

Not surprisingly, the Bible addresses this problem, the need for caution and sticking to the truth.  In a passage somewhat parallel to the Titus 2 instructions for women, we read:

 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 
And Adam was not deceived, 
but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 
Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, 
if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
1 Timothy 2:13-15

Saved in childbearing seems in this passage not a guarantee of physical recuperation, saving of physical life.  Just look at the context -- it seems to mean preserved from deception, as Eve was deceived.  In other words, being about our proper roles and duties (often including childbearing and its associated tasks) will keep us in a place where we are not going to be deceived and we are going to be better prepared to test all things.  It's not by years of Bible college, studying psychology, and reading the books of self-proclaimed life-coaches.  It is by purposing to live according to God's perfect plan as found in God's Word.  We don't have to rely on a guru, but simply be sensitive to the Lord's leading as we look to him.

In the physical realm, we all know to be cautious.  For example, nowadays, people are cautious about prescription drugs.  They often question their doctors.  We hear stories of people who receive the wrong prescription or things unnecessary or to which they have allergies.  Terrible things may result.  Fearing for our health and lives, we ask questions, we do research, we don't just swallow what is given.

Well, the Bible was there first.  It really warns and addresses the subject of spiritual caution and the problem of deception.  It tells us this is a REAL problem with which to be concerned.  We better be concerned.  The world has all kinds of prescriptions for women, marriage, parenting, and they are often pounded into our minds so that we have a deep seated fear that God's plan is archaic, unhealthy, or static.  The prescriptions are not based on God's Word, and following them will not help us in following the Lord.

If we are rightly concerned with the wrong medical prescriptions, how much more should we test our ideas and assumptions and guard our hearts?

We have started our recent study, via a neat little book called "Sweet Relationships," and it has been really challenging.  Nothing new in its pages, except for the copious examples and stories shared by another sister who is a little further down the path.  Hope you can join us or get the book and go through it on your own!


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