Evaluating advice

We have had a couple of Fridays devoted to this new topic.

One thing I have observed in my life is that the "common wisdom" that I have grown up hearing has a lot of potential to guide not only my actions, but my priorities and my attitudes. That is why it is so important for me to test my thoughts. Do they really reflect God's truth? If they don't, out they must go!

Our first week, we touched on the fact that as we evaluate advice, especially in areas that steer the direction of our home and family, we need to recognize our husband's authority. There is a tendency for us as women to leave our husbands out of the loop in certain areas because we assume they have no knowledge or opinion on certain things. For example: time priorities, outside commitments with ministry, hobbies, work, major purchases, budgeting. Another example is in the area of christian doctrine... are we looking to others for the source of our christian teaching, or recognizing that God has placed our husbands in a position of spiritual accountability and leadership (Eph 5:22-28, 1 Cor 14:35). The alternative to praying for our husbands' growth as a leader and relying on them for leadership in our home is to look to another for spiritual leadership. This is becoming a growing problem.

We also discussed how we as wives have great potential in influencing our husbands, for good or bad. Eve was deceived, though she certainly meant to do her husband GOOD, and we have the potential to be deceived as well. What is our protection from deception? After all, anyone can be deceived, male or female. It seems God has provided at least one route for wives to be protected from deception...

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. 1 Timothy 2:12-15

My best guess in this verse is that the path that protects us from being deceived as Eve was is for us to be focused on the things which God has given us, and that means keeping our hearts and minds on the things over which we are to manage. For me personally, it is not the path of faith and peace when I get overly concerned about things over which I will not have to give an account. I'm convinced the Lord would have me commit these things to prayer and be certain whatever actions are truly led by his Spirit.

Anyway, that in itself is a huge topic, but one we should recognize....because....

We are working on other such comparisons.

Last week, we discussed some of these familiar words of worldly wisdom:

"Wait a few years before you have children."
"Children have to experience things for themselves" (to learn wisdom)
"Children need to be able to express anger."
"You can't shelter them forever."

Hope to see you this week!


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